I have two kinds of bad moods--one I try my hardest to stay in. I put on angry music and remove myself from other people, feeling I will somehow fail to be vindicated if I don't hold on to a grudge or frustration. The other, though, I can spend an entire day trying to get out of and to no avail. Today I experienced the latter. I was in a bad mood that I just couldn't rid myself of, all the while feeling upset that I was upset. Whichever sort of bad mood I'm in, it never lasts long. But today's has been hard to shake.
We all know the cliche of waking up on the wrong side of the bed. My bed only has one side I can wake up on...the other would send me walking straight into a dresser. But I did wake up to an angry cheerleader father who had some grievances he felt necessary to discuss at 6 in the morning. I don't want to trivialize his concerns, because many of them were validated, but I felt unfairly attacked and those of you who know me will know that being accused of something I'm either not guilty of or I feel was the right thing to do puts me on the defensive in a way that bothers me and is hard to forget about. That conversation hovered in the back of my mind all day, and I just couldn't convince myself to let it go.
To brighten my day, I left the lights on in my car and drained the battery. I don't know many people down at school who drive, but I was texting everyone I could think of, and everyone was unavailable in some way. A good Samaritan stopped and offered a jump and I'm now home safe and warm, but the hour or so of frustration that surrounded my dead car didn't help in altering my emotions.
I have to work on organizing cheerleading tryouts now, which is usually pretty fun for me. So we'll see how that does in putting a smile on my face. If that fails, I'll just go to sleep early. I seldom wake up in a bad mood. I guess I'll just be keeping my fingers crossed that tomorrow my alarm won't be accompanied by a phone call...