While I was at church, I was texting my oldest sister. My niece had been pretty sick and she was going to the doctor. I love my niece and would do anything for her, so when my sister mentioned that she kept asking for yogurt but they didn't have any (and, being Sunday, my sister didn't really want to go to the store), I ran home and grabbed the yogurt we had in the fridge and took it out to my sick, but still adorable, niece. She ate her yogurt and then she and I "snuggled" and watched Sleeping Beauty. Believe it or not, I had never watched that show in its entirety. I really liked it though; no wonder it's a classic.
I guess the climax of my day came from my little brother. As some background information...he's obsessed with dalmations. He recently decided that when he's older, he's going to breed them. Because of his increasing interest, he started looking at dalmations online to see how much they sell for and such. In his searching, he came across Bella. He had mentioned her to me a few days ago, and I told him he might as well ask our mom and dad if we could get her. So...he did. And my mom said to go look at her. I don't like dogs and wasn't thrilled about adding another one to the family, but my brother talked me into driving to Riverton to look at her. I'll admit, I had a bad attitude about going, but as soon as we walked inside and I saw Bella, I fell in love with her. She's cute and energetic, and all morning I keep thinking about her and I surprise myself by feeling really excited that she could be joining our family. Who knows if Mom and Dad would actually let us go through with it or if the owners will let us have her, but I think I'd be really happy if they did.