Tryouts are over and I wish I could say I'm relieved. After all of the planning and preparation, after finding and coordinating judges, after adding scores and wrestling with who to keep, there still remains one ugly, unavoidable, and unwelcome part of this job...cutting those that won't be on the squad. This is the fourth squad I've had part in choosing and each year it has gotten worse.
The relief of knowing you finally have a new squad lasts only moments before you're forced to realize that you're crushing some girl's dream. That might sound over-dramatic to you, but do you know what it feels like to place your plans for the future in the palm of one pivotal event only to have your path turn at an unanticipated curve? I do. And I cringe knowing that I hold the power--as unwanted as it may be--to disappoint someone so tremendously. I hate knowing that. I can't stand the thought of being the cause of someone else's tears or feelings of rejection. My stomach turns at the idea of what will come from me posting that list more girl being told that right now, for the pursuit at hand, she's not good enough.
On that depressing note... :) I want to publicly (albeit rather privately with my blog's small audience) thank my judges. They came from far away and spent hours helping me today, and it meant the world to me.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
I just finished another book. Wow. It was beautifully written, creative, heartbreaking, and fabulous. I hesitate to recommend the book unconditionally just because there is some severe language. I had a creative writing class that ruined me when it came to my sensitivity to such things in writing, so I was able to take little notice. (Not that that's really a good thing.) So use your own judgment. But the story was masterful.
Out of Shape!!!

Some of you might have noticed that I'm chubby. Lol this has always been the case, but it's getting OUT OF CONTROL. A lot of people around me have started diets and workouts and it's like, I know I should but just can't. I love food and don't feel like starving myself, and I hate sitting on a stationary bike staring straight ahead or even walking the track because it's mundane. I don't feel motivated to get in my car and drive to the fitness center just to be bored AND sweaty. My mom has these walking tapes she just does in her room, but again--boring.
So I got to thinking...In high school, I avoided becoming entirely huge because I danced and cheered. I can't really run out and join up with an overweight amateur cheerleading squad, so I started some ebay browsing and bought some aerobic dance videos. The first one came today, so I just put it in. I loved it! There's a warm up and isolations exercise and then the actual dance that I did tonight was only 15 minutes long. I sweat like a pig the whole time, but I had so much fun with it! Maybe I'll actually stick with this! I think I'll add a log on my page or something to keep track of how often I do what. That way I'll be somewhat accountable.

It's Here!
Just a quick post before I continue on preparing for this afternoon...
Tryouts are here! I feel like I just started planning them even though it's been months. Our information meeting is tonight and I'm scared. I want to have a good turnout so badly! Last year I only had 15 girls try out for our varsity squad. The eleven I picked turned out to be fabulous and have worked hard all year, continually impressing me along the way. I just don't want to be starting from scratch again. I hope all my current sophomores and juniors try out again and that we get some talent coming up from the junior high.
Cross your fingers! I'll let you know how it goes.
Tryouts are here! I feel like I just started planning them even though it's been months. Our information meeting is tonight and I'm scared. I want to have a good turnout so badly! Last year I only had 15 girls try out for our varsity squad. The eleven I picked turned out to be fabulous and have worked hard all year, continually impressing me along the way. I just don't want to be starting from scratch again. I hope all my current sophomores and juniors try out again and that we get some talent coming up from the junior high.
Cross your fingers! I'll let you know how it goes.

Saturday, February 23, 2008
Alphabetical? I think not.
I just got home from my sister's house. We played some games out there and while I was leaving, somehow the conversation shifted and I stated a theory that I've had for some time. As soon as the words escaped my mouth, they got torn apart! Lol my theory is this: As a very broad and general rule, when you state the names of partnerships or pairs, you say it in reverse alphabetical order.
For example:
Mom and Dad
Ernie and Bert (though I guess a lot say Bert and Ernie? I don't.)
Sonny and Cher
Mario and Luigi
Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown
Raggedy Ann and Andy
Tom and Jerry
Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman (no longer a couple but you still say that)
Ross and Rachel
Timon and Pumba
John and Jackie Kennedy
and the list goes on. Some notable exceptions would be Mickey and Minnie, Adam and Eve, Donny and Marie, or Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston (also no longer, and I think the order switches). But in most instances that are exceptions, I think it's a matter of hierarchy--the male is listed first. I know that this is too broad a suggestion to even attempt proving, but what do you think? Who are some famous couples or partnerships that either fit or deny my mold?
For example:
Mom and Dad
Ernie and Bert (though I guess a lot say Bert and Ernie? I don't.)
Sonny and Cher
Mario and Luigi
Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown
Raggedy Ann and Andy
Tom and Jerry
Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman (no longer a couple but you still say that)
Ross and Rachel
Timon and Pumba
John and Jackie Kennedy
and the list goes on. Some notable exceptions would be Mickey and Minnie, Adam and Eve, Donny and Marie, or Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston (also no longer, and I think the order switches). But in most instances that are exceptions, I think it's a matter of hierarchy--the male is listed first. I know that this is too broad a suggestion to even attempt proving, but what do you think? Who are some famous couples or partnerships that either fit or deny my mold?
Friday, February 22, 2008
Another One
Just finished John Grisham's latest. It's not his best; I was a little disappointed by the ending.
**WARNING** Political Discussion to Follow
So some of you might get upset that I'm sharing my personal political views with you, but I don't really care. :) If you know me at all, you should know that I'm a Republican and proud of it. My original political support went out to Mitt Romney, not because of his religion but because of his views and ability. I was upset when he dropped out not because he was no longer a candidate but because of who was left.
It is no secret that America is at a crisis...for many reasons. Setting aside immigration, health care, and the economy, I feel like above all else, our next president needs to be able to unite America. I don't feel like John McCain can do that, and so I have realized that my partisan views have taken a back seat to my desire to see a strong leader, someone that can capture the support of the American public. I have long expressed my support of Obama over Clinton, but could never really muster facts and points to explain my support. Last night was the CNN debate between the two of them in Austin, Texas. I wasn't able to watch it because I wasn't home, but I found it on CNN's website and have spent the last hour or so watching.
Multiple times, Senators Obama and Clinton suggested that ideologically, they are all but identical. They agree on most issues and Obama even once gave the figure of 95% agreement. Then Obama made the comment that the next president needs to be able to inspire the people, and I thought "YES!" That's the difference. I have resigned to the fact that we will have a Democratic president beginning in 2009. The Democrats have succeeded at winning recent elections and I feel like they will continue to do so throughout the race to the White House. But the reason I support Obama over Clinton, despite his party affiliation, is because he inspires me. Throughout the debate, both were markedly civil, but Hillary Clinton was the only one to intimate the slightest amount of mudslinging. Obama held the high ground, and he makes me proud to be an American. Hillary doesn't.
Call my rationale juvenile and shallow, but at least I now understand where my support for Obama comes from--something that initiated nothing but stupor when reflected on before.
It is no secret that America is at a crisis...for many reasons. Setting aside immigration, health care, and the economy, I feel like above all else, our next president needs to be able to unite America. I don't feel like John McCain can do that, and so I have realized that my partisan views have taken a back seat to my desire to see a strong leader, someone that can capture the support of the American public. I have long expressed my support of Obama over Clinton, but could never really muster facts and points to explain my support. Last night was the CNN debate between the two of them in Austin, Texas. I wasn't able to watch it because I wasn't home, but I found it on CNN's website and have spent the last hour or so watching.
Multiple times, Senators Obama and Clinton suggested that ideologically, they are all but identical. They agree on most issues and Obama even once gave the figure of 95% agreement. Then Obama made the comment that the next president needs to be able to inspire the people, and I thought "YES!" That's the difference. I have resigned to the fact that we will have a Democratic president beginning in 2009. The Democrats have succeeded at winning recent elections and I feel like they will continue to do so throughout the race to the White House. But the reason I support Obama over Clinton, despite his party affiliation, is because he inspires me. Throughout the debate, both were markedly civil, but Hillary Clinton was the only one to intimate the slightest amount of mudslinging. Obama held the high ground, and he makes me proud to be an American. Hillary doesn't.
Call my rationale juvenile and shallow, but at least I now understand where my support for Obama comes from--something that initiated nothing but stupor when reflected on before.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Wendy's Dictionary
Everyone has their best friends--the people they hang out with, text, or talk to on a somewhat regular basis. But I think everyone also has real friends. You know what I consider a real friend?
-When you text someone you haven't seen in 4 years and they agree to judge your squad's cheerleading tryouts
-Getting a call months after a silly spat because someone had a question they knew you'd know the answer to
-Finding a note from 10th grade in the bottom of your closet and laughing because you still remember what boy it's discussing, even though no name was mentioned
-Running into your freshman RA at the bookstore and making plans for a graduation BBQ
-People that make an effort to read your blog so they're up-to-date on your life.
-When you know someone's been thinking about you because they show up with a dr. pepper in hand
Thanks, guys. You're great.
-When you text someone you haven't seen in 4 years and they agree to judge your squad's cheerleading tryouts
-Getting a call months after a silly spat because someone had a question they knew you'd know the answer to
-Finding a note from 10th grade in the bottom of your closet and laughing because you still remember what boy it's discussing, even though no name was mentioned
-Running into your freshman RA at the bookstore and making plans for a graduation BBQ
-People that make an effort to read your blog so they're up-to-date on your life.
-When you know someone's been thinking about you because they show up with a dr. pepper in hand
Thanks, guys. You're great.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
My Weekend
I'm writing today not because I have anything spectacular to update you on, but simply because it's been awhile. I guess to start off with, I'll say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to my older sister, Ashley.
I had a good holiday weekend, beginning with Friday night at the State Wrestling Tournament. I would have been pleased with any result, simply because my brother, Matt, had wrestled so well this season. But we were ecstatic when he came out of the tournament with another State Championship. I'm so proud of you, Matt!
On Saturday, I worked for a few hours in the morning then spent the rest of the day working on the talk I gave that night at Stake Conference. It was my first time speaking in more than a year and a half and my first time ever speaking at a Stake Conference. It was nerve-racking to say the least.
Sunday yielded a great session of Stake Conference, a well-deserved nap, and a delicious family dinner all topped with a showing of Pride and Prejudice at my brother-in-law's parents' house. I think I might still like the 2005 version the best, but I can't say for sure because Colin Firth really did such a great job as Mr. Darcy!
Last night we had fun and games out at Jen's house. I had a crappy showing in Catan but kicked some serious butt in Mafia.
Okay, I'm having way too much fun with the links today, so I'll call it quits.
I had a good holiday weekend, beginning with Friday night at the State Wrestling Tournament. I would have been pleased with any result, simply because my brother, Matt, had wrestled so well this season. But we were ecstatic when he came out of the tournament with another State Championship. I'm so proud of you, Matt!
On Saturday, I worked for a few hours in the morning then spent the rest of the day working on the talk I gave that night at Stake Conference. It was my first time speaking in more than a year and a half and my first time ever speaking at a Stake Conference. It was nerve-racking to say the least.
Sunday yielded a great session of Stake Conference, a well-deserved nap, and a delicious family dinner all topped with a showing of Pride and Prejudice at my brother-in-law's parents' house. I think I might still like the 2005 version the best, but I can't say for sure because Colin Firth really did such a great job as Mr. Darcy!
Last night we had fun and games out at Jen's house. I had a crappy showing in Catan but kicked some serious butt in Mafia.
Okay, I'm having way too much fun with the links today, so I'll call it quits.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Retraction of Yesterday's Post?
My goodness. At 8:15 tonight I left UVSC. 4 hours later I sit here, finally home. Count 'em... FOUR. To go 45 miles. Horrendous road conditions mixed with idiot drivers created quite the stressful situation. At one point I actually put my car in park...on I-15...because there was no point tiring my leg muscles just to keep the brake depressed.
Good things about today:
-My little brother won his first two matches in the State Wrestling tournament.
-I finished another book
-My whole family got home safely despite mother nature and idiocy
Goodnight, friends. :)
Good things about today:
-My little brother won his first two matches in the State Wrestling tournament.
-I finished another book
-My whole family got home safely despite mother nature and idiocy
Goodnight, friends. :)
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Books Read
On Christmas I decided to do more leisure reading and to also record all of the books I finish in a year's time. So the new running list on the right side entitled "Books Read" is to keep you all up to date on how I'm doing. If you want my reviews or thoughts on any of the books, just email me or something and I'd be happy to share. :)
Passenger Seat
"I roll the window down
And then begin to breathe in
The darkest country road
And the strong scent of evergreen[...]
With my feet on the [gas]
The world doesn't matter..."
And then begin to breathe in
The darkest country road
And the strong scent of evergreen[...]
With my feet on the [gas]
The world doesn't matter..."
-Death Cab for Cutie
Okay so I changed the words a little. The lyrics are actually "with my feet on the dash" but since I'm never actually in the passenger seat, my feet don't often rest on the dash. Regardless, today as I was driving home from work from out in Tooele, I couldn't help thinking of these lyrics as I drove with my window down for the first time in MONTHS. Today was beautiful, I got off work early, and life is downright fabulous. It's far from perfect, but why dwell on the downs when you feel so up?
Monday, February 11, 2008
In this Very Room
Yesterday's Sacrament Meeting was INCREDIBLE. We had the Special Needs Mutual come to our ward and present the program. I was watching these kids in awe and thinking how neat it must be to work with them as advisors because you know that each one of them will be going to the Celestial Kingdom. Right as I had that thought, they stood and sang the song "In this Very Room" and the spirit was just incredible. It set the tone for my whole Sunday.
While I was at church, I was texting my oldest sister. My niece had been pretty sick and she was going to the doctor. I love my niece and would do anything for her, so when my sister mentioned that she kept asking for yogurt but they didn't have any (and, being Sunday, my sister didn't really want to go to the store), I ran home and grabbed the yogurt we had in the fridge and took it out to my sick, but still adorable, niece. She ate her yogurt and then she and I "snuggled" and watched Sleeping Beauty. Believe it or not, I had never watched that show in its entirety. I really liked it though; no wonder it's a classic.
I guess the climax of my day came from my little brother. As some background information...he's obsessed with dalmations. He recently decided that when he's older, he's going to breed them. Because of his increasing interest, he started looking at dalmations online to see how much they sell for and such. In his searching, he came across Bella. He had mentioned her to me a few days ago, and I told him he might as well ask our mom and dad if we could get her. So...he did. And my mom said to go look at her. I don't like dogs and wasn't thrilled about adding another one to the family, but my brother talked me into driving to Riverton to look at her. I'll admit, I had a bad attitude about going, but as soon as we walked inside and I saw Bella, I fell in love with her. She's cute and energetic, and all morning I keep thinking about her and I surprise myself by feeling really excited that she could be joining our family. Who knows if Mom and Dad would actually let us go through with it or if the owners will let us have her, but I think I'd be really happy if they did.
While I was at church, I was texting my oldest sister. My niece had been pretty sick and she was going to the doctor. I love my niece and would do anything for her, so when my sister mentioned that she kept asking for yogurt but they didn't have any (and, being Sunday, my sister didn't really want to go to the store), I ran home and grabbed the yogurt we had in the fridge and took it out to my sick, but still adorable, niece. She ate her yogurt and then she and I "snuggled" and watched Sleeping Beauty. Believe it or not, I had never watched that show in its entirety. I really liked it though; no wonder it's a classic.
I guess the climax of my day came from my little brother. As some background information...he's obsessed with dalmations. He recently decided that when he's older, he's going to breed them. Because of his increasing interest, he started looking at dalmations online to see how much they sell for and such. In his searching, he came across Bella. He had mentioned her to me a few days ago, and I told him he might as well ask our mom and dad if we could get her. So...he did. And my mom said to go look at her. I don't like dogs and wasn't thrilled about adding another one to the family, but my brother talked me into driving to Riverton to look at her. I'll admit, I had a bad attitude about going, but as soon as we walked inside and I saw Bella, I fell in love with her. She's cute and energetic, and all morning I keep thinking about her and I surprise myself by feeling really excited that she could be joining our family. Who knows if Mom and Dad would actually let us go through with it or if the owners will let us have her, but I think I'd be really happy if they did.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Fun Fridays

It was nice to recognize the players and the girls, and my sister and her husband were able to make it to the game as well, which made it infinitely more enjoyable. Unfortunately, we lost by 1 with just seconds left in overtime to the only school I loathe as much as the U of U :) Ah well. It was still fun. After the game, Sister #3, her husband, and I went to Sister #1's house, whose husband is gone on a scout camping trip. We played Settlers of Catan which is a new game I love and I ended up spending the night. Waking up to my niece and nephews jumping on my bed is always a plus and it set the tone for what I hope will be a great Saturday. Enjoy your weekend!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Rainy Days and Mondays...
I have two kinds of bad moods--one I try my hardest to stay in. I put on angry music and remove myself from other people, feeling I will somehow fail to be vindicated if I don't hold on to a grudge or frustration. The other, though, I can spend an entire day trying to get out of and to no avail. Today I experienced the latter. I was in a bad mood that I just couldn't rid myself of, all the while feeling upset that I was upset. Whichever sort of bad mood I'm in, it never lasts long. But today's has been hard to shake.
We all know the cliche of waking up on the wrong side of the bed. My bed only has one side I can wake up on...the other would send me walking straight into a dresser. But I did wake up to an angry cheerleader father who had some grievances he felt necessary to discuss at 6 in the morning. I don't want to trivialize his concerns, because many of them were validated, but I felt unfairly attacked and those of you who know me will know that being accused of something I'm either not guilty of or I feel was the right thing to do puts me on the defensive in a way that bothers me and is hard to forget about. That conversation hovered in the back of my mind all day, and I just couldn't convince myself to let it go.
To brighten my day, I left the lights on in my car and drained the battery. I don't know many people down at school who drive, but I was texting everyone I could think of, and everyone was unavailable in some way. A good Samaritan stopped and offered a jump and I'm now home safe and warm, but the hour or so of frustration that surrounded my dead car didn't help in altering my emotions.
I have to work on organizing cheerleading tryouts now, which is usually pretty fun for me. So we'll see how that does in putting a smile on my face. If that fails, I'll just go to sleep early. I seldom wake up in a bad mood. I guess I'll just be keeping my fingers crossed that tomorrow my alarm won't be accompanied by a phone call...
We all know the cliche of waking up on the wrong side of the bed. My bed only has one side I can wake up on...the other would send me walking straight into a dresser. But I did wake up to an angry cheerleader father who had some grievances he felt necessary to discuss at 6 in the morning. I don't want to trivialize his concerns, because many of them were validated, but I felt unfairly attacked and those of you who know me will know that being accused of something I'm either not guilty of or I feel was the right thing to do puts me on the defensive in a way that bothers me and is hard to forget about. That conversation hovered in the back of my mind all day, and I just couldn't convince myself to let it go.
To brighten my day, I left the lights on in my car and drained the battery. I don't know many people down at school who drive, but I was texting everyone I could think of, and everyone was unavailable in some way. A good Samaritan stopped and offered a jump and I'm now home safe and warm, but the hour or so of frustration that surrounded my dead car didn't help in altering my emotions.
I have to work on organizing cheerleading tryouts now, which is usually pretty fun for me. So we'll see how that does in putting a smile on my face. If that fails, I'll just go to sleep early. I seldom wake up in a bad mood. I guess I'll just be keeping my fingers crossed that tomorrow my alarm won't be accompanied by a phone call...
Friday, February 1, 2008
We've got spirit, yes we do...
Today was the annual spirit assembly at the School where I coach. My cheerleaders were heavily involved in planning the activities that filled up spirit week and today is when the week climaxed and the showdown between classes was decided. In a huge "upset" the juniors won, which is unprecedented. The seniors always win, and it was fun to see the juniors react, all decked out in green, when their class was dubbed the most spirited.
Today encompassed a trend I've been continually impressed by at this School. The School is made up of a very ethnically diverse student body. The sports teams don't often win, and the academics aren't the most superior. But the school has an impressive amount of spirit. I won't go so far as to say this is the most spirited student body I've seen or heard about, but what I will say is that the factors usually influencing the growth and development of school spirit are absent at this School, but the kids are still proud to sport the green and gold, still willing to stand when their student body president enters an assembly, and still eager to participate in class games and competitions. It's impressive.
Today encompassed a trend I've been continually impressed by at this School. The School is made up of a very ethnically diverse student body. The sports teams don't often win, and the academics aren't the most superior. But the school has an impressive amount of spirit. I won't go so far as to say this is the most spirited student body I've seen or heard about, but what I will say is that the factors usually influencing the growth and development of school spirit are absent at this School, but the kids are still proud to sport the green and gold, still willing to stand when their student body president enters an assembly, and still eager to participate in class games and competitions. It's impressive.
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