Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Holidays are Here!

What a week! I only worked on Monday and Tuesday, which makes for a great week right there. But of course to make things even better, I was able to celebrate Thanksgiving with my entire family. Having Matt home from school just made for a wonderful holiday. On Wednesday we headed up to a cabin my folks rented. Early Thursday morning Ashley and I went for a walk to try and look for some wildlife. We saw a few deer and some interesting footprints, but never found the moose for which we were hoping. As a family, we spent most of the time (when we weren't eating) just relaxing. We made crafts, read, watched movies, played ping pong, and just had a great Thanksgiving spending time with one another.

We got home from the cabin yesterday afternoon and almost as soon as I walked in the door I headed out for a marathon evening with Tyson. We had originally just planned to go see Quantum of Solace and then Tyson came up with the fabulous idea of seeing the Temple Square lights after. The movie was really good, as were the lights. When we were leaving downtown, Tyson suggested we call Jess and Tyler to see what they were doing for the night. I should mention we went to a 4:25 showing of the movie, so it was only a little after 7 at this point. Jessica wanted to eat at Olive Garden, so we met up for dinner. While we were eating, Jess and Tyler said they felt like going to a movie, and we convinced the boys to watch Twilight, even though Jessica and I had already seen it. Haha. We arrived at Jordan Commons at like 9:30 and, conveniently, there was a 9:45 showing with plenty of seats still left. I honestly don't think I've ever been to 2 movies in the theater in one day :) But it was way fun. I'm not nearly as addicted to the movie as I was the book, but I still think I could watch Twilight multiple times and still enjoy it.

So that's been my weekend so far, and we're only halfway through Saturday!