Sunday, September 28, 2008

Penn State vs. Illinois Game

I think it seems fitting that my one hundredth post comes after one of the greatest experiences of my life. Last night was the Penn State-Illinois football game that was the reason for our trip back East. As with the rest of my posts this last week, there are a lot of pictures and not much writing. Enjoy the show...
This first picture comes more to prove to my cousin and brother that I really am doing this... This is my Game Crush. Lol I don't know his name, how old he is, or anything. I just know that he was funny at the game, is cute, and went to an extension campus of Penn State. So if you know this guy that sat in section NJU at last night's game, give him my number. If not, ignore this picture and go on to the next one :)
Kristine and me after seeing the players arrive. It's crazy how two girls raised on opposite sides of the country and only reunited a year and a half ago can have so much in common. It was so nice to see her again.
JoePa coming off of the team bus and walking into Beaver Stadium.
A blocked view of The Man, Daryll Clark
Keep in mind that this picture is taken from a zoomed camera just 16 rows from the top of Beaver Stadium. I think that fact that you can still tell it's Paterno and Zook meeting in the middle of the field is pretty impressive.
The last score of the game put Penn State up 38-24. That score helped move PSU comfortably into the number 6 spot nationally.

These videos aren't spectacular, but I wanted to try and give you a chance to experience some of the atmosphere inside Beaver Stadium during a legendary White Out. It was indescribable. The amount of white, the crowd participation in cheers and songs, the caliber of football played, the company of extended all made for one amazing trip.