Updates galore!
Well, if you read my sisters' blogs, this post will be basically pointless. :) But if not...here's what's been going on in my life. The picture above is of my older sister and me at The Legend of Timpanogos, a ballet performed by the Utah Regional Ballet. I have a friend on the company and like to go support her as often as possible. I had bought tickets for Friday's show awhile ago, and when we sat down in our seats and opened the program, I realized that my friend had the principal role that night! I was so glad I got to see her and to see this ballet again. It is so incredible. If you're a fan of the arts, you should try and make it to some of their shows. They are well worth it. My brother-in-law even admitted to enjoying himself! Isn't he a good sport?
Saturday morning my squad headed off to the University of Utah for a competition put together by the Crimson Line. The girls did a great job and I was really proud of them! I think it was a good way for them to end their year together. As a side note, don't you love how cheerleaders so naturally strike a pose when they see a camera? It's something I've always found funny...
Jessica and me at the competition. She was my assistant this year, and I'm really going to miss her. Luckily, she's moving on to a great program which will be really good for her, and I have an old and fabulous friend helping me out this next year. So I guess in the end, it's a win-win situation.
Saturday night we had our semi-annual GIRLS' NIGHT!!! I don't think there's a tradition in our family that I cherish more. We always go out (my sisters, mom, and I) when the guys leave for the Priesthood session of General Conference. This year we went out to eat at Firehouse Pizza. The food was delicious and the dessert was absolutely TO DIE FOR!!! We followed up dinner with a trip to Target and Ross. I couldn't find anything I liked, so I spent money on my niece instead. :)
My mom and me across the table from my sisters at Girls' Night
Sunday afternoon, I went with my older sister and her husband to the last session of General Conference. As always, the spirit downtown and in the session was incredible. I'm so glad I got to go.
Now, I don't know if it's just my drought in relationships surfacing or if John Krasinksi is really as charming as he seems, but I haven't had a celebrity crush since 'N Sync in 8th grade and now, once again, I've been hit hard! Lol...I used to make fun of my roommates for watching The Office. I thought it was a stupid and brainless show, and I didn't know why so many people thought it was funny. But last week I was at my oldest sister's house, and she had borrowed Season 2 from my brother. So I started watching it with her and was immediately addicted. Adiel was kind enough to let me borrow Season 3 from her and I'm too embarrassed to even tell you how many episodes I watched last night or how late I stayed up doing so...The thing is, not only is the show hilariously funny, but I am utterly in love with Jim Halpert's character (played by John Krasinski). I want my future husband to look and act exactly like him! I know how pathetic I sound, but I don't even care. :) Jim Halpert: I don't have a ton of contact with the Scranton branch, but before I left, I took a box of Dwight's stationery, so from time to time I send Dwight faxes. From himself. From the future. [reading fax] "Dwight, at 8am today, someone poisons the coffee. Do not drink the coffee. More instructions will follow. Cordially, Future Dwight."And that's all I have to say on the subject right now...
I heart John/Jim!
This mug is on my wishlist.
I would've ordered it already if it wasn't on backorder!
Wendell...girl I miss ya! Your blog makes it seem that life is well...I hope that it truly is. We need to start planning things and not pretend we are going to plan them :) We have much to catch up on and need to play! Have a good one!
Love ya!
Wendy...why haven't you blogged yet?
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