Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Next up on my list is The Book Thief. Have you all heard about this whole "One County, One Book" thing? What a neat idea! I saw the big display last time I was at the library, so I picked up a copy. If you decide to do the same, let me know. It'll be fun to discuss!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Now I'm going to find some dinner, sit back, and wait for the Jazz game to start... Dave and Jen are there, which of course I'm jealous about, but I'm also SO EXCITED. I feel good about this game, even if my "sweep" prediction was a little off.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Jen's Who What When Where Survey
Where is your cell phone? Sitting on my bed
Your significant other? Somewhere out there waiting to meet me!
Your hair? In a greasy pony tail--haven't showered yet :)
Your mother? In Las Vegas for a wrestling tournament
Your father? With my mom
Your favorite thing? What a broad question...I'll go with girls' nights w/ sisters
Your dream last night? I got engaged
Your favorite drink? Dr. Pepper
Your dream/goal? Get married and have a family
The room you’re in? My bedroom
Your ex? Which one?
Your fear? Family member dying
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Married
Where were you last night? My sister's house for dinner and AI. Thank goodness Carly is gone.
What you’re not? Submissive
Muffins? Is anyone else confused by this non-question? Favorite kind? Anything my sister makes.
One of your wish list items? A laptop
Where you grew up? West Valley!
The last thing you did? Coached a cheer practice
What are you wearing? White t-shirt and some blue comfy pants (I think they actually belong to Jen...)
Your TV? A gift two Christmases ago that I LOVE! I love being able to fall asleep to movies
Your pets? 2 dogs. They shed too much and one barks too loud, but I'm forcing myself to like them right now since the family is gone in Vegas and I'm dogsitting.
Your computer? Belongs to my mom... A Dell, relatively new.
Your life? Stagnant
Your mood? Mood? It's good, but bored. And I'm tired...contemplating a nap.
Missing someone? Not really. Is that bad?
Your car? White, bumper-sticker adorned '92 Honda Civic with 306,000 miles! She's my baby. I'm at a crossroads though--do I remove all the bumper stickers in an attempt to make my car (and myself) appear more grown-up? Or do I replace some of the shabby ones with new ones?
Something you’re not wearing? Jewelry
Favorite store? Borders
Your summer? Too busy
Like someone? Am I like someone or do I like someone? I like pretty much everyone. I'm like my sisters and my mom.
Your favorite color? Tough question. Lately? green.
When is the last time you laughed? This morning at practice with Adiel
Last time you cried? I think it was Sunday fighting with my mom
Who will repost this? I don't really even know who reads my blog, so I don't know. If you read my blog, let me know by reposting! :)
Monday, April 21, 2008
A Break from Studying
It was a good pick-me-up before heading back to the library for more cramming... I'll probably write again when I need another break!
Weekend Fun

Friday, April 18, 2008
Classes are over and finals have started. I have my only two finals next Tuesday and should have been making use of this week off to study, but, big surprise, I haven't. I did successfully write all of my final papers in no more than one day's time for each. That's something to be proud of, right? Successfully procrastinating?
Did you watch The Office last night? Neither did I, but I did just watch it online this morning. I'm not one to spoil things so I'll just say this... watch it. :) It's worth it. Oh P.S. for those of you who don't yet know, I'm officially obsessed with The Office. Well, to be more accurate...I'm obsessed with John Krasinski. But can you blame me? I'm also totally addicted to the show; I think it's hilarious.
Big bummer of the week: Billy Ray concert in Wendover was cancelled. :( I was looking forward to a fun trip with some of my family (my first legal one as well since I'm over 21) but I don't really feel like paying for a hotel room now that I don't have the awesome sounds of the Achy Breaky master to look forward to...Lol
Stake Auxiliary Training meeting was last night. That was a very adult experience for me. And a very uplifting one, though I'm fairly certain I'm the only person in any of the Young Women presidencies in the entire stake that's not married... Marriage has been oddly more prevalent on my mind lately, probably because of the recent engagement of a certain one of my "friends." But that's a story for another day :)
Hmm...anything else to update you on? I guess it's becoming more understandable why I don't blog very often right now... nothing is happening! Utah weather is nuts, Yale art students are disturbed, there are a bunch of movies coming out in May that I want to see, and I need a new book to read because I haven't read one in ages. And I think that pretty much sums it up. :)
Enjoy your weekend!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Updates galore!

The thing is, not only is the show hilariously funny, but I am utterly in love with Jim Halpert's character (played by John Krasinski). I want my future husband to look and act exactly like him! I know how pathetic I sound, but I don't even care. :)
Jim Halpert: I don't have a ton of contact with the Scranton branch, but before I left, I took a box of Dwight's stationery, so from time to time I send Dwight faxes. From himself. From the future. [reading fax] "Dwight, at 8am today, someone poisons the coffee. Do not drink the coffee. More instructions will follow. Cordially, Future Dwight."
And that's all I have to say on the subject right now...
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Very Touching
Today I was working at a branch in Kearns and heard countless people come in and say "I want to make a donation to that little girl's family." That little girl. No one had to ask which little girl they were talking about. People who are complete strangers to the family made donations ranging from $5 to $100 throughout the day. I was close to tears many times when I heard several old ladies, after cashing the social security checks they got today, hand a bill back to the teller and explain where they wanted it to go. Isn't it so nice to know that in times of such inhumanity, there is still such a solid base of loving, caring, and feeling individuals? Isn't it incredible to see communities form to wade through tragedies? Don't you think Hser Ner Moo is very aware and very grateful not only for the multiple volunteers that aided in her search but for the anonymous givers who want to do anything they can to buoy up a family in need?
Sometimes it's so nice to see the Lord's hand tirelessly working to bless His children in such tremendous times of need.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Full Circle
I guess it's because in cheer, I know that I can teach them to stunt and dance and yell. I feel qualified to do that. And even if I fall short of helping them reach their full potential, in the scheme of things it doesn't really matter. It is, after all, just cheerleading. (Yes, I really did just admit that.) But with a Church calling, I don't feel like it's that simple. I don't feel like I'm qualified to teach them what they need to know. Of course I know I'm not alone in this, and there are many resources available to me, but that doesn't really make me any less nervous.
So, if any of you have any ideas for me regarding activities and the like...feel free to pass them along. I'm sure I'll appreciate any tips you might have.