Monday, July 7, 2008

"If David Holland wasn't Superman, he was basically the same thing."

I finished a book today. The title of this post reflects my favorite line in the whole story. Taken out of context it's not nearly as humorous as it was to me when I read it, but if you want to glean the same Lisa Scottoline's Dead Ringer. You'll find the funny on page 164. (Sorry, just trying to cover my bases so as to avoid inadvertent plagiarism...that's what History 490 does to your thought process!)

In reading over my last few posts I realized I've been sounding like a downer! I want you all to know that I'm not cynical; in fact, cynicism really annoys me. So I'm dedicated to making this an upbeat post. ("But, surprisingly, UPBEAT!"- How to Lose a Guy) How better to incite optimism in the lives of my readers than by giving you a rundown on my Fourth of July weekend?!

We started the day with our traditional hometown parade. It was fun playing with my niece and nephews, buying them Slurpees in spite of my sister's threats regarding messing up their white shirts, and just enjoying the festivities of the Fourth. Sadly, without our whole family at the parade, it didn't quite feel like it used to. I guess that's what they call getting older.
After a long, but enjoyable, nap, I headed up to my sister's apartment to plan out the rest of the evening. We were pretty indecisive about things (not uncommon for us), but ended up agreeing to visit this fun little restaurant. I think it's because our dad is a small business owner, but our family really enjoys supporting small, family-owned establishments. This restaurant makes my list of favorites. Mama's Southern Plantation Restaurant had great food but an even better atmosphere. It's humble and homey, and the historian in me couldn't help but love the simple display of artifacts documenting the restaurant's roots. If you're up for a fun evening, it's on 1394 S. and West Temple.

Finally we set out out for the true fun of the Fourth--fireworks. It took us a couple tries to actually find somewhere to go, but we ended up seeing a pretty good display up north. This picture would have been really neat had my sister not bumped me excitedly to draw my attention to the fact that the finale was upon us. :) All in all, it was a good Holiday.

Saturday I woke up relatively early (well, for me on a Saturday) because I was on call for work. I was grateful when I didn't get called in because I could do some housework I'd neglected during the week along with some critical school work. When I'd had enough of that, I got ready for the evening and went out on a really enjoyable triple date. I don't think I'd ever gone out with my one sister and her husband, so that made it even more fun. We went to dinner and saw Hancock. Some members of our party were less complimentary, but I loved the show! I love Will Smith and I was just thoroughly entertained by the story. Then again, I can't really remember the last show I saw in the theaters that I didn't like, so maybe that says something...

Sunday was Sunday, crazy as always when the whole family is over.

There is one other thing I've been DYING to post about. For those of you who have not yet read my sister's latest post, I'm going to be an aunt again! I've known for awhile and have been waiting for her to officially announce it to non-family before I spread the word. And now that she has, I couldn't stay quiet any longer! Congrats to my fabulous sister and her equally fabulous hubby! (U2Pup) I am so excited for you. I love being an aunt more than anything in the world, and the idea of new babies in the family makes me so happy. So thanks for continuing to give me the opportunity of "aunt-hood" :) Yay!