Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day Seven

I'm kind of cheating with this one. The instructions said, "A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you," but I'm choosing more than one someone/something.
There are a couple of important things in this picture. First and foremost, my dad. I went looking for a picture of him alone to satisfy the requirements of this post, but then decided to add to my answer when I came across this picture. My dad has been the most influential person in my life. Maybe he wouldn't like to hear that, because I always feel like I fall so short of the example he has set for me in many different areas, but I really do strive to be like him. He is an example of everything good. Smart, funny, caring, giving, spiritual, hard-working, and the list goes on...So many things that I wish I were, but I'm not. Those of you who know my dad will agree--He's simply amazing.

Next, my sister, Jen. I love and admire all of my sisters, and I think Ashley and Jessica would both agree with me that there is something especially amazing about Jenny. (Plus, she's in the picture and Ashley and Jess aren't, so they can't be mad that I'm spotlighting her :) I admire her so fully. I can't think of something I "don't like" about Jen. When I'm a mom, I want to be the mom that she is. If I ever decide to cook, I want to be the cook that she is. I want to have her thirst for knowledge, her desire to try new things, her acute sensitivity to others, her ability to recognize each of her children for their individual strengths and weaknesses, her natural ease at working movie quotes into conversations, her supportive personality, her money-saving skills, her passion for everything important to her, and her excessive use of the word, "absolutely." :)

Finally, you can see the field behind us. This picture was taken at a BYU football game. I would be lying if I said BYU hadn't shaped and influenced me, but I actually care more about the larger umbrella under which BYU falls--The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I've allowed myself to become a bit apathetic about things Church-related lately. Don't worry; this isn't going to turn into a confessional. It's just good to have a reminder that hating my singles ward isn't a good excuse to allow myself to forget what I really believe in and why. I'm grateful for the way I was brought up and know I need to do better to stand as an example of what I know.