Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Thanks, Bro!

On Monday night, my older brother took me to the Jazz game against Toronto. The Jazz won pretty big (96-79) and I had a blast. It was great to spend time with my brother and to see the Jazz again. I hadn't seen them since they picked up Birthday Boy, Kyle Korver. He's a fun player to watch and I now understand my sister's infatuation.

Then, to top things off, at the end of the night my brother gave me tickets to a Jazz autograph signing party on Tuesday night. My friend and I went and it was a lot of fun, even though Memo, Boozer, and Korver weren't there :(

Here are some pictures:

Harpring signing my friend's ball.

Sloan and Milsap

Ronnie Price

Deron Williams...his line was too long to get his signature.

Ronnie Brewer

One of the signatures on my cute pink ball (Matt Harpring 15)