My summer was so crazy and the last month completely got away from me. For those of you who don't know, I was able to go home the end of July and go through the Bountiful temple. It was an amazing experience, and with Matt surprising me with his trip home, it was the first time the Brown family was all together since Christmas.
The fun didn't end when I left Utah this time. Jen let her oldest make the drive with me, as she and the rest of the family would be driving through Omaha a couple days later.
Potter and me, heading to Nebraska |
The Madsen bus has arrived! |
8 people in a studio apartment |
Don't we look cozy? |
A few days after Jen's family left Omaha, I flew into Pittsburgh. Then I drove down to Washington, D.C. to meet them. The drive was beautiful. Let's just say the 5 hours was a piece of cake, and if western Nebraska and Wyoming looked anything like this, my parents would have to put up with me a lot more. |
We visited an Amish bakery in Annapolis where we tried a variety of goodies. Among them were these heavenly peanut butter-filled donuts. |
I thoroughly love Washington, D.C. and it was a treat to go back. It was even more incredible being surrounded by all the little munchkins that I love. |
After Annapolis, we headed into the city and visited the Air and Space Museum. |
The Wright Bros. exhibit was awesome. |
But I found the WWI exhibit much more fascinating. |
Bugs and Jedi by a fallen soldier display |
I spent every minute I could with Princess, of course. |
Suffice it to say the boys found more enjoyment out of this museum than the girls |
So we remedied that by leaving the boys and taking the girls on a carousel :) |
Then we waited for them on the mall. |
I was amazed by Jen and Heath's patience on the trip. This is a shot I grabbed of them doing scripture study one day. This family amazes me. |
On Sunday we got to visit Arlington, which I had never seen before. |
Standing at Kennedy's grave, reading his words with the Washington Monument in view was a special experience for me. |
The spirit and reverence I felt looking over these graves is one I've never before experienced. |
Even Rosebud seemed to realize the significance of where we were. |
My favorite place in the world. |
Sitting on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, we saw a rainbow over the Washington Monument (seen faintly above the trees on the left side of this picture). |
I gave Jen a hard time when, after a day of walking, she made us walk across the Potomac. I have to admit, though: it was beautiful. |
Exactly what I was looking for for dinner! |
When I headed back up Pittsburgh to meet Jess and David I ran into some awesome fog. |
I got to see this cutie, who I had been missing for 7 months! |
Got to meet my aunt and uncle's cute new dog, Rascal. I couldn't help but think he and Zipsie would be great friends! |
On Thursday, August 9, I finally made it into State College. Man, this place feels like home. |
Meeting at Spring Creek park for lunch sure brought back memories! |
Meeting our new sister-in-law, Lauren, at the rehearsal dinner. (I don't have any pictures from the wedding, unfortunately. But it was beautiful) |
Visiting graves. Here's Bugs understanding his namesake a little better. |
After returning home from Pennsylvania and driving out to Utah for Adiel's wedding, Zipsie and I were finally reunited! A big thanks to Jess and Jamie for taking care of her for me! |
Sorry for the abbreviated recap of my August, but my Aunt Kathy wouldn't stop giving me a hard time at the wedding about my failure to blog lately. So here you go, Aunt Kathy. This one's for you! :)