Monday, March 30, 2009

Feeling Cultured

I know I've mentioned our book club before, but I can't get over how much I love it! March was my month to pick the book and I chose The Secret Life of Bees. I'd had several people mention that I should read it, and I finally decided to take them all up on it. I love this book. Sue Monk Kidd is a phenomenal writer, the story is heart-wrenching, and it's a quick read. I recommend it to anyone out there. Also, Jess and I watched the movie Saturday night, and I was pretty impressed at how well it followed the book.

I'm going to do a little self-indulgence here. If you are looking for something new to do with your life, you should look into organizing a book club. You all know how much I love reading, and I know sometimes we can have the best intentions about reading but just can't quite make ourselves find a book. The network a book club offers really does a great job at encouraging you to pick up AND FINISH the book. If you don't know anyone who would form a book club with you, join ours! You're all more than welcome. April's book is Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. Let me know if you want to join up with us!

In closing... books are great! :)