On Tuesday night Suzzanne and I did some window shopping at
my current favorite Omaha
store, The Afternoon. That place is full of things I think I need, but topping
my current wish list is the In My Humble Opinion journal pictured below. Then
we made our way downtown and parked a few blocks from the T.D. Ameritrade ballpark
where we were able to see their phenomenal fireworks display. I uploaded a
video of the finale to Facebook.
I woke up yesterday after not a lot of sleep but feeling
oddly energized. I credit the fact that the Fourth is my favorite holiday. I
don’t possess Adiel’s talent with manicures, but I've been known to lack any sort of apprehension when applying eye makeup, and I thought yesterday was the
perfect day to try out Too Faced’s Skinny Dip shadow, the one shade that had
remained untouched in my Insurance Policy palette. Of course, blue eyeshadow
alone doesn’t mean America,
it just looks 80’s (especially with my large, frizzy hair that Omaha’s humidity blesses me with). The
solution? Add a touch of red eyeliner. It was intense, and I loved it.
The rest of my day was filled with great food from
Ingredient and treats from Trader Joe’s, watching cheesy movies and TV shows,
and a bbq/service project at the Institute. It was completely different from
any other Independence Day celebration I’ve enjoyed, but that seemed fitting. I
was away from family for the first time on the Fourth and in a new place, so it
made sense to start my own new traditions in Omaha. I’d like to think that next year I’ll
be home enjoying the Magna Fourth of July parade, but if not, another relaxing
day watching Jude Law and Kellan Lutz will do just fine.