Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Weekend Away

My dad and I spent this last weekend in Omaha. Between Accepted Students’ Day at the law school and our appointments to see apartments, we were pretty busy. We looked into 14 properties, physically viewed 10, and were able to eliminate only 2 of the ones we viewed.

Do you want to know my favorite thing about Omaha? Freeways. Everywhere. Seemed like we were always on I-80, 680, 480, or the 75. No matter where we were headed, we got there in 15 minutes it seemed. So, that’s good.

Dad wanted to find a local favorite place for pizza, so on Friday, based on Yelp reviews, we went to Mama’s Pizza. Dad was less than thrilled with his “all meat pizza” (doesn’t even sound appetizing) but I loved the pepperoni. Dad at least liked looking at all the sports memorabilia decorating the place.

Dad’s mood improved even further when he realized we were done with dinner early enough to catch the end of Creighton’s baseball game against Missouri State. They were playing at the new TD Ameritrade Park, which was his one must-see for the trip.
The park was really nice. Aside from that though, I’m not yet in love. We didn’t get a chance to visit the Old Market, which I have a feeling I’ll enjoy. I told my dad several times that it’s hard for me to say out loud that I’m moving to Nebraska. It’s easier for me to say Omaha for some reason. Maybe because I know it’s a bigger city than Salt Lake.

When I got home, I had plenty of DVR to catch up, which is how I spent my Sunday evening. My favorite recording was definitely the season finale of SNL hosted by Justin. Oh how I love him. And I can never decide what I think about Lady Gaga (who was the musical guest). If nothing else, I enjoy the anticipation of what her eccentricities will bring. I’ve actually been listening to her new album all week, trying to figure out which songs I like (usually takes me a few times through Gaga’s songs to decide).

I was listening to one track, “You and I,” and I was confused. It almost sounded Country. Then I realized it was kind of catchy and maybe I liked it. Then I heard the lyrics, “Something about this place. Something about lonely nights and my lipstick on your face. Something about my cool Nebraska guy. Yeah, something about my baby, you and I . . . We’ve got a whole lot of money but we still pay rent, ‘cause you can’t buy a house in Heaven. There’s only three men that I’m’a serve in my whole life: it’s my daddy and Nebraska and Jesus Christ.”

Now I can’t stop listening to that song and laughing. I guess if Gaga can do Nebraska, so can I.