Today I realized I'm Ben. I constantly catch myself saying, "In Ogden..." I was getting irritated with myself, wondering why I couldn't just shut up about Ogden. But I think the real issue is the fact that I hate sounding, or looking, or possibly being perceived as being, stupid. So I've created this whole method of asking questions that involves letting the other person know that at one time, I did know the answer to my current question. But it's probably getting old. So goal for Week 2: Stop being Ben.
Aside from that, I do feel like each day got a little better. Today I received a Christmas present from a co-worker, a gesture by which I am still so touched. She doesn't know me well, and she certainly should have felt no obligation to buy me a pretty little scarf. But she did, and I'm really grateful for it. It's cliche to say, "It's the thought that counts," but in this instance I feel like the saying very accurately applies.
But enough about work. Let's talk about Zac Efron! You likely already know (or if you don't, you should) that Zac Efron is my guilty pleasure. I love him. And he's only a year and a half younger than me, so it's not even that bad. Anyway, Kate and I had both seen Me and Orson Welles advertised when we saw 17 Again and she informed me last weekend that it was now out but only playing at the Broadway Theater. Apparently, it's not the busiest establishment in Salt Lake on a Wednesday night...