Okay maybe I'm being over-dramatic in that post title, but I'm still kind of excited right now. Jen has started up another blog-revamp kick (the last one resulted in my former page's header), and I was her first victim. Just the other night I was looking at my blog and I had the thought "I don't think I'll ever change my blog. I love how clean my page looks." But today when I was at her house to help her husband correct some tests (he's a junior high teacher), Jen proceeded to call my blog "masculine," "stock," and "boring". I'll admit that I was being difficult at first, refusing to accept any of her proposed designs, but I'm pretty much in love with the new look now. You'll have to tell me what you think.
The "New Life" just comes from some excitement I'm feeling while looking forward to the future. I got my LSAT score on Friday, and even though I didn't do wonderfully, I think it should be good enough to get me in somewhere, even with my pathetic GPA. Since Friday, I've been checking out law schools online and getting emails from places where I might match up with their admission standards. I really want to go back East, and when I came home tonight to an information booklet that arrived in the mail from a Boston school, I can't stop looking through it. Boston. Can you imagine? Fulfilling my life's dream right in such a rich center of American History...I can't even get to sleep now just thinking about all of this. I know that my whole law school journey is still new, and I don't even know where I might actually get accepted, but it's so nice knowing that I'm moving forward, and it's exciting to think that right now I have NO IDEA where I could be a year from now.
I have to get up early, so I really should call it a night, but I just wanted to post about my excitement.