Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas is Here

In addition to shopping for and preparing the Twelve Days of Christmas presents yesterday, I was able to enjoy the festive feeling of Christmas in the air. I actually pulled my butt out of bed at a decent time and was ready to hit the road by 9. I was derailed when my parents decided we should all have breakfast together, but eventually I started my shopping. I began by buying makeup. :) I've been contemplating a change lately for the winter weather. I usually do very neutral lipstick/gloss because I don't like to play up my lips. They're too big. But I've really been wanting to give RED a go. I tried it out yesterday and today at church and I think I like it.

After shopping, dropping the load off at home, and shopping again, I ended up at my brother-in-law's parents' house. They were decorating sugar cookies, and I was excited to join in. The ice skate DID take me a bit longer than it should have, with me being craftily challenged and all, but I had so much fun. That's Nic's beautiful sister, Kimmy, showing off the array of cookies in the center picture.

When the cookies were all frosted, Tyson and I headed downtown to see The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. I don't know if you recall when I read that book earlier this year and loved it, but I loved the movie just as much. They did an excellent job following the story set forth in the book. If you can find a theater near you where it's playing, I highly recommend seeing it.