With just 3 weeks left in the season, I feel myself getting really sentimental about the end of 24. I know I sound ridiculous lamenting over fictional characters, but you have to understand that 24 is the source of a lot of great memories for me... My sophomore year of college seemed to have centered around watching the first four seasons of the show (and you wonder why my grades struggled at BYU :) Then an entire Christmas break was spent re-watching Season 1 with my dad, Matt, and Matt's friend, Calvin. A few weekends ago, I came across a bin of stuff I kept from school, and in it was an "autographed" picture of Lynn McGill that had been delivered to me via a six-story pulley system the RAs created (Sophie, Nicole, Mallory...please tell me you remember. "I'll put YOU in holding.") Now 24 is a convenient excuse to see Jen, Heath, and the kids every week. The only reason I ever learned to shoot a gun is because I figured it would be Jack Bauer-esque. I still get teary-eyed when I see "President Palmer" on Allstate commercials. And when I read Mary Lynn Rajskub's tweets, I feel like I'm hearing from Chloe herself.
Okay so maybe I'm exaggerating the emotional state I'm in. But only just barely. Bottom line, I'm gonna miss this show.