Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2012

23. inside your bathroom cabinet

don't have the luxury of a bathroom cabinet in a studio apartment 


I really dislike when people have music embedded on sites, because I'm usually listening to my own music and opening multiple tabs and all of the sudden there's too much noise and I don't know where it's coming from. With that being said, I was really close to figuring out how to embed this on my blog...it's like its theme song!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Feeling Loved

Have you ever taken that quiz that tells you what your love language is? (If you take it, I'd love to hear your results!) I never had, because I understand myself pretty well in that regard. But I decided to take it in order to confirm what I thought I knew. I figured my lowest score would be physical touch, and I was right. (In fact, on the quiz it accounted for only one point out of 30.) My highest was receiving gifts, which was a mere one point ahead of words of affirmation and acts of service. I've always known that I loved giving gifts to show love, but I didn't realize how much they meant to receive until this week. 

I spent the weekend in California at a conference for the J. Reuben Clark Law Society. It was a great experience, but what made the weekend even more fantastic was getting to visit and stay with Adiel. While I was there, she gave me a bunch of makeup and earrings that she doesn't use. I felt bad taking it all, as much as I wanted it, but she insisted. At the end of the trip I realized I had scored big. Just looking at it all felt like true love, but that could simply be because I was looking at earrings and makeup. Add a purse and it's literally my idea of Heaven.

 While I was in California, Jamie text me to ask if I had gotten a package. A FedEx door tag had been left on my building door the day I flew out, but they had marked several boxes and I couldn't understand what had happened. Jamie said it looked like the package had been delivered, so I called my apartment office and confirmed that they had accepted the package from FedEx. I wasn't expecting a package from Jamie, so I was excited! Turns out she spoiled me and sent a combined Christmas/Birthday present in the form of a new pair of Toms!
 To add even more fun to the story, when I returned to Omaha and stopped by the office to grab Jamie's package, they originally handed me a package with a different return address from what I was expecting. It was from the DeMouxs! Melissa is a dear friend of mine from Utah. She's to thank, in large part, for getting me through last semester. It was uncanny how on the loneliest days, I would return home to find a letter from her in the mailbox. I'm a terrible person that never made the time to write her back, yet she cared enough to keep sending them. But this time her return address wasn't on an envelope. It was on a soft, squishy package. I couldn't wait to find out what was inside!

Last month, Melissa posted about some new throw pillows. I was especially enamored with one, and I told her so. Okay, I did more than that. I sort of threatened to come to her house and steal it. So, naturally, being the incredible super-human woman that she is, Melissa undertook to make me a pillow.
I cried when I saw what she had done. I laughed when I read her letter, encouraging me to forgo a life of crime. I smiled when I thought of all the people that love me. I'm so grateful for Adiel, Jamie, and Melissa who most recently affirmed the fact that I have people that care for me and are looking out for me. But I'm also grateful to all of you that so frequently show your love for me that I too often fail to recognize.

So, thank you. All of you.

22. where you work

"work" might be a bit of an overstatement. But this is where I attend.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Friday, February 17, 2012

17. time

packed day at the J. Reuben Clark Law Society conference in Palo Alto, CA

Thursday, February 16, 2012

16. something new

being in a Catholic church 
(Memorial Church at Stanford University)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

15. phone

it's such a relief to know she's being taken care of! I'll be able to enjoy my time in California so much better.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

14. heart

we got our letters inviting us to write on to Law Review today. I don't often get my heart set on things, especially things as unlikely as making Law Review. But I can't help myself.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Sunday, February 12, 2012

12. inside your closet

not much to say about this one. I've been thinking lately that I need to buy more patterned clothes, because (as you can see) I mostly only have solids.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

11. makes you happy

the Elders Quorum in our ward held a Relief Society appreciation dinner tonight. When we arrived, there was a guy there to hold out his arm and escort us downstairs, sit us at a table and get our dinner for us. Two of the men in our ward spoke about women that have been influential in their life and the special role of women in the Church. I was hesitant to go, but it ended up being a really nice night!

Friday, February 10, 2012

10. self-portrait

my computer thinks this is what I would look like as a comic book character

Thursday, February 9, 2012

9. front door

it's even prettier when there are packages waiting outside it :) 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Saturday, February 4, 2012

4. a stranger

the very obnoxious cast of Bachelor Pad that showed up at Blazin' Pianos

Friday, February 3, 2012

Thursday, February 2, 2012

2. words

it's a case about exclusive rights to sell soft drinks or something. I was called on to present the case, only had to answer like 3 questions and then fire alarms went off. The Lord works in mysterious ways...

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

1. your view today

at the Blind Pilot concert. One of the greatest live shows I've seen.